About MINDtheGEPs

From 2021-2025, we will work to increase women's participation in research and innovation with the aim to improve women’s career prospects, to improve gender balance in decision-making bodies in research organisations, and to include gender dimensions in relevant research content. Increasing the quality and societal relevance of knowledge, technologies, and innovations produced.

We are tackling gender imbalances through implementing gender equality plans that include both cultural and structural aspects. To remove barriers to hiring and the career development for women in research, and to distinguish gender inequalities within governing bodies and evaluation committees. This ensures actions align with the European Commission’s objectives for gender equality in European research.

Gender data and strong governance are central to MINDtheGEPs and the gender equality plans we are creating. In each implementing organisation, we will map existing gender data, integrate existing data with new ad-hoc data and set up a gender data portal to make data accessible, to visualise where action might be required to reduce gender gaps.

In addition, we will create and reinforce roles and bodies that support gender equality in research careers (both men's and women's) and conduct a series of trainings to empower women in junior positions and raise awareness of gender gaps among their senior colleagues.

We will introduce work-family measures addressed to both men and women, and set equality targets for decision-making boards and gender-sensitive research. Creating conditions for the endurance of the GEPs we develop beyond the project’s lifespan. In the end, we will develop good practice advice for the design of future gender equality plans and actions for systemic institutional change.


More about MINDtheGEPs

Reducing gender imbalance in the research community

MINDtheGEPs unites 10 research organisations from 7 EU countries in the quest to close the gender gap in research and innovation. Together, universities, research centres, and a scientific publisher work to ensure gender equality in academia and scientific research! Towards more open and inclusive research organisations! We focus on fixing the system, not the women. We train both women and men, junior and senior, on the diffusion and causes of gender imbalances trying to break stereotypes. We create new gender equality bodies or positions and we promote equal representation in main governing bodies and recruitment-promotion panels. We fight the unconditional worker model and promote work-life balance for all.

MINDtheGEPs consortium. (2023). Reducing gender imbalance in the research community. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8026979

MINDtheGEPS reducirá desequilibrios de género en instituciones de investigación europeas y generará datos para apoyar el desarrollo de políticas nacionales y europeas de igualdad de género en organizaciones de investigación. MINDtheGEPs une a 10 organizaciones de investigación de 7 países de la UE en la búsqueda de cerrar la brecha de género en la investigación y la innovación. Juntos, universidades, centros de investigación y una editorial científica trabajan para garantizar igualdad de género en el mundo académico e investigación científica. ¡Hacia organizaciones de investigación más abiertas e inclusivas!

MINDtheGEPs consortium. (2023). Reducir el desequilibrio de género en la comunidad investigadora. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8026941


About MINDtheGEPs

Key Areas

Gender Equality Plans



Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this website are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.


MINDtheGEPs (Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101006543.

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