Sister projects

The Horizon of the gender equality community is far-reaching. We build our work on the vast experiences of other projects like ours. Some are implementing gender equality plans, others are capacity building or research projects and networks. All are working towards the common goal of gender equality in the research community.

ACT (2018-2021) seeks to advance gender equality at universities, research centers, and research funding organisations by facilitating collaboration between experienced and less experienced institutions in the implementation of gender equality plans.

The AGRIGEP project, (2023-2025) with the joint efforts of six consortium partners, aims to perform a responsible assessment of widening RPOs' current status on GEP implementation, improve capabilities through intensive capacity building, and develop and implement an agriculture and life-science targeted GEP with sectorial specific measures and strategies.

ATHENA (2021-2025) is implementing Gender Equality Plans to unlock research potential of resesarch performing organisations and research funding organisations in Europe. Working to empower female research talent through a gender equality infrastructure.

BUDGET-IT (2023-2025) Building Gender Equality Through Gender Budgeting for Institutional Transformation project designed to use gender+ budgeting to transform institutions to advance inclusive gender+ equality and enhance the reputation, inclusiveness, and research excellence of the widening countries of Bosnia, Serbia and Turkey assisted by leading university counterparts in Italy and Spain.

BALTIC GENDER (2016-2020) brought together eight scientific institutions in five countries around the Baltic Sea to work on reducing gender inequalities in Marine Science and Technology by developing Gender Equality Plans.

CALIPER (2020-2024) supports seven EU research performing organisations and two EU research funding organisations from the STEM field to develop Gender Equality Plans and engage locally to transfer the gained knowledge beyond academia.

CASPER (2020-2021) is a research project examining the feasibility of establishing a European award/certification system for gender equality for research performing organisations.

CHANGE (2018-2022) supports research performing organizations to design and implement Gender Equality Plans by involving key actors who alongside core consortium partners transmit co-produced gender equality knowledge within their institutions.

EFFORTI (2016-2019) sought to analyse and model the influence of measures to promote gender equality in research and innovation outputs and in establishing more responsible and responsive RTDI (research, technology, development, innovation) systems.

EQUALS-EU (2021-2023) is a regional network that consists of 19 organisations from a wide variety of sectors including higher education institutions, small and medium enterprises, civil society organisations and research institutions

EQUAL4EUROPE (2020-2023) is developing Gender Equality Plans for social sciences, business & management schools in research organisations and universities, using them as drivers for systemic institutional changes.

EQUAL-IST (2016-2019) aimed at introducing structural changes in research organizations to enhance gender equality within ICT (Information and Communications Technology) through implementing Gender Equality Plans.

FIAGES (Feminist Institutionalist Approach to Gender Equality in STEMM) addresses the research question: “is narrative congruence essential for progressing Gender Equality (GE)?” using the qualitative hypothesis that progress in GE is dependent on strong congruent narratives supporting of GE in academic and workplace organisations, in particular STEMM disciplines and high tech companies.

GEARING-Roles (2019-2022) is a consortium of 10 EU partners that will design, implement, and evaluate six Gender Equality Plans to challenge and transform gender roles and identities linked to professional careers, and work towards real institutional change.

GEECCO (2017-2021) aimed to establish tailor-made Gender Equality Plans in four European universities and to implement the gender dimension in two research funding organisations in funding schemes, programmes and review processes

GEDII (2015-2018) provided evidence linking gender diversity and research performance aiming to enable research policy- and decision-makers to significantly enhance the capacity of European research.

GENDERACTION (2017-2021) is a capacity-building project promoting gender equality in the European research area by creating an innovative policy community to implement gender priorities through training and mutual learning, as well as policy recommendations.

GENDERACTIONplus (2022-2025) is a Horizon Europe project which aims to contribute to the coordination of gender equality and inclusiveness objectives of the new European Research Area through the development of two Communities of Practice, one consisting of national authorities and the second of representatives of Research Funding Organisations.

Gender Equality Academy (2019-2021), or GE Academy for short, is developing and implementing a high-quality capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation, and higher education.

GENDER NET Plus (2017-2022) aims to strengthen transnational collaborations between research program owners and managers, provide support to the promotion of gender equality through institutional change and integration of sex and gender analysis into research.

Gender STI (2020-2023) is an international research project with partners from 16 countries that aims to analyse the participation of women in science, technology and innovation dialogues between Europe and third countries.

Gender-SMART (2018-2022) is about achieving gender equality in research performing and research funding organidations in the agricultural and life sciences field through the implementation of Gender Equality Plans.

GENERA (2015-2018) aimed at continuing, monitoring and improving the Gender Equality Plans of research institutions and organisations specifically in the physics research field.

GRANteD (2019-2023) is a research project looking at the occurrence and causes of gender bias in the allocation of research grants. It also studies the consequences of gender bias in grant allocation for gender bias in the development of careers in research and innovation.

HYPATIA (2015-2018) aimed to develop a theoretical framework on gender inclusive STEM education and to produce, test and promote a toolkit with practical solutions and modules for schools, businesses and science centres and museums across Europe.

INSPIRE (2022-2026) is Europe's Centre of Excellence on inclusive gender equality in research and innovation. It brings together cutting-edge knowledge, ambitious policy approaches, and innovative practices to provide a gateway for scholars, equality experts, practitioners and trainers to connect and share resources, as well as co-create new ones.

LeTSGEPs (2020-2023) is a consortium of eight partners working together to end gender imbalance in research institutions, through the use of Gender Equality Plans and gender budgeting at six partner organisations.

LIBRA (2015-2019) increased the representation and participation of women in leadership positions in life sciences by implementing innovative Gender Equality Plans.

NEXUS (2023-2025) co-designs, implements, monitors and evaluates innovative and targeted actions aimed at bridging inclusivity gaps in nine research organisations and their respective R&I ecosystems with the aim to bolster institutional change through the development of inclusive Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) in intersectional and intersectoral directions.

PLOTINA (2016-2020) enabled the development, implementation and assessment of self-tailored Gender Equality Plans with innovative and sustainable strategies for the research performing organisations involved.

RESET (2021-2024) will combine an intersectional approach to gender equality with the collective intelligence fostered and harvested through the co-design of Gender Equality Plans.

R&I PEERS (2018-2022) will create and validate pilot experiences that disrupt gender-biased approaches and unconscious rules which limit participation by and careers for women in research and innovation by developing seven Gender Equality Plans.

SAGE (2015-2018) was designed to seek stronger action on gender equality in higher education and research, through the design and implementation of Gender Equality Plans.

SHEMAKES (2021-2022) will empower future female innovators of the sustainable fashion industry through capacity-building and access to hard skills, technology and innovation as well as to networking, business modelling and role models.

SPEAR (2019-2022) has the central objective of implementing Gender Equality Plans in nine implementing research performing organisations. Using a community of learning and practice to ensure long-term sustainability.

SUPERA (2018-2022) will is to implement six Gender Equality Plans in 6 organisations from Southern and Central Europe and encouraging gender balance in career progression, decision-making and research content.

SUPPORTER (2023-2025) (Securing Sports Education Through Innovative and Inclusive Gender Equality Plans) is an EU project funded under Horizon-Widera 2022 that aims to contribute to more inclusive gender equality in the European Research Area (ERA) through a focus on sports education.

TARGET (2017-2021) is a consortium of ten partners initiating institutional change through Gender Equality Plans in seven institutions in the Mediterranean basin – including research performing organizations, research funding organizations and a network of universities.

TARGETED-MPI (2020-2024) supports higher education and research organisations to implement Gender Equality Plans. Focussing on institutional changes in business and management schools to drive more inclusive, sustainable, and transparent academic cultures.

UniSAFE (2021-2024) has a dual objective. First, to produce robust and knowledge on gender-based violence in universities and research organisations. Second, to translate the knowledge into operational tools and recommendations for universities, research organisations and policymakers to reduce such violence.


About MINDtheGEPs

Key Areas

Gender Equality Plans



Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this website are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.


MINDtheGEPs (Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101006543.

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