
We share our work at conferences and events. When we can, we like to make our work public. On this page you will find recent presentations about MINDtheGEPs work towards gender equality in research. Want more? Have a look at our Open Forum recordings!


Federica Turco, The MINDtheGEPs project - Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans, X AIGeo Italian Young Geomorphologists’ Day, 1 March 2024, Venice, Italy

Josepine Fernow, Communicate your expertise, STRADA leadership development programme, 21 November 2023, Online

Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka, Why is it risky NOT to built diverse, inclusive and gender equal culture within academia, BIO2023 Conference: Women in Science (Chair: Ewa Łojkowska), 15 September 2023, Szczecin, Poland

Ewa Łojkowska, Jak realizujemy Plan Równości Płci w UG / How do we implement GEP at UG, Spotkanie inauguracyjne Klubu Kobiet Uczelni Fahrenheita, 26 June 2023. Gdańsk, / Poland UG.

Marta Dziedzic, Izabela Raszczyk, How to build a gender-balanced ecosystem with the support of European projects?,Women in tech summit 2023, 13 June 2023. Warsaw, Poland.

Marina della Giusta, When Matthew met Larry: Prestige and Discrimination in Academia, Presentation of paper on Prestige and Discrimination in Academia, 11 June 2023. University of Belgrade.

Aoife Ní Fhlatharta, Presentation of MINDtheGEPs, Research Networking Event, 9 June 2023. Munster Technological University.

Marina della Giusta, When Matthew met Larry: Prestige and Discrimination in Academia, Presentation of paper on Prestige and Discrimination in Academia, 7 June 2023. University of Copenhagen.

Federica Turco, Deconstructing models, Festival del ciclo mestuale, 27 May 2023. Milan, Cinema Nuovo Armenia.

Rosy Musumeci, Gaiaschi C. (2022) Doppio Standard. Donne e carriere scientifiche nell’Italia contemporanea (our transl.: Doppio Standard. Women and scientific careers in contemporary Italy), Carocci, as part of the SegnaLibri initiative, Department of Culture, Politics and Society, University of Turin, 26 May 2023, Presentation and discussion of book, 25 May 2023. University of Turin and online.


Aoife Ní Fhlatharta, NO DATA: NO POLICIES! MINDTHEGEPS’ APPROACH TO EVIDENCE-BASED POLICIES FOR GENDER EQUALITY PLANS and Presentation of MINDtheGEPs, EDI Roadshow, 24 April 2023. Munster Technologicall University.

Marta Dziedzic, Izabela Raszczyk, Gender equality at the university level, EARMA conference, 24 April 2023. Prague, Czech.

Ewa Łojkowska, Diverse and Equal. Women in Science' debate, 27 March 2023. Gdansk, Poland.

Angela Balzano, Lise Meitner and the standpoint theory, Idea, Numbers, Stars: Women in the History if Science, 22 March 2023. University of Turin, Department of Physics.


Federica Turco, Storie di donne, storie di scienza, 8 March 2023. University of Turin, Department of Physics.

Cristina Solera, Presentation of MINDtheGEPs, SPEAR’s final conference, 1 March 2023.

Cristina Solera, “Meritocracy versus cooptation-based criteria across gender, disciplines and ranks: the old and the new Academia in the views of Italian researchers.” (con Camilla Gaiaschi)., Conferenza annuale SISEC "Scienze sociali che cambiano per una società che cambia", 2 February 2023.

Marina della Giusta, MINDtheGEPs fr gender equality in science, 2 February 2023. University of Turin, Department OF earth Sciences.

Ewa Łojkowska, L'Oreal Polska dla Kobiet i Nauki , Doskonałość Naukowa nie ma Płci / Scientific excellence has no sex, 20 January 2023. Poznań, Poland / Adam Mickiewicz University.

Allison S. Danell, Stephanie M. George, Andrew T. Morehead, Jr., Kristen Myers, LEVERAGING PRIVILEGE: ADVOCATES, ALLIES, & GENDER EQUITY IN UNIVERSITIES, MINDtheGEPs forum, 14 December 2022. Online.

Magdalena Żadkowska, Natasza Kosakowska - Berezecka, Panel: transforming higher education institutions towards sustainability. Presentations: “Towards gender equality – UG case", Science and education for sustainable development, 24 November 2022. Gdańska, Poland.

Aleksandra Migalska, Ewa Stoecker,"Support for transgender and non-binary students at the oldest university in Poland", Science and education for sustainable development, 24 November 2022. Gdańska, Poland.

Magdalena Żadkowska, Natasza Kosakowska - Berezecka, International Projects at the University of Gdansk, Meeting with Senter for interkulturell kommunikasjon ved VID Stavanger, 18 November 2022. Stavanger / Norway.


Ewa Łojkowska, Pioneeres, researchers, leaders. Women of Gdańsk's science. 30 September 2022. Gdansk, Poland.

Angela Balzano, Playing with gender, European Research Night, "Education in the face of challenges and tasks of the present and future", 30 September 2022. University of Turin.

Ewa Stoecker, panel discussion on social inequalities and anti-discrimination education at the Edukacja wobec wyzwań i zadań współczesności i przyszłości (Education in the face of challenges and tasks of the present and future) conference on 26 September 2022.

Aleksandra Migalska, Ewa Stoecker, "Adapting the educational offer to the needs of transgender and non-binary people as an example of following changes in the social, cultural and civilizational space.", "Education in the face of challenges and tasks of the present and future", 26 September 2022.

Aleksandra Migalska, Paulina Sekuła, Ewa Stoecker, "Jeszcze długa droga przed nami" ...ale czas krótki! Krytyczna refleksja nad procesem wdrażania systemowych rozwiązań w zakresie równości płci na uczelni, Science and education for sustainable development’, 20 September 2022, organised by the Centre for Sustainable Development of University of Gdańsk

Aleksandra Migalska, Paulina Sekula, Ewa Stoecker, "There is still a long way to go" ...but time is short! A critical reflection on the process of implementing systemic gender equality solutions at the university, 18th Polish Sociological Congress "Society of the Future: Recompositions", 17 September 2022. Warsaw, Poland

Aleksandra Migalska, Paulina Sekula, Ewa Stoecker, Social Boundaries of Work international conference, Social Boundaries of work internatonal conference, 19 June 2022. Lublin, Poland.

Lucio Piscane, MindTheGEP offcial presentation to the 9000 CNR Employees along with main gender data in of the gender budget report, CNR Gender Budget and MINDtheGEP presentation at CNR, 16 June 2022.

Cristina Solera, “L'ingresso in accademia e le asimmetrie di genere: cosa conta e cosa dovrebbe contare? Il punto di vista del personale docente e di ricerca”, Conferenza annuale SISEC“ Il lavoro della transizione: Tecnologia,politiche ed ecologia del lavoro nel XXI secolo conference on 10 June 2022.

Elena Gissi, Methods for sex analysis in marine systems from genomes to ecosystems in a changing climate, MINDtheGEPs forum on 31 May 2022, Online.

Aleksandra Migalska , Paulina Sekuła, Ewa Stoecker, Ambivalences towards working conditions in academia under Covid-19 pandemic – a gender perspective, Social boundries of work, 19-20.May 2022, Lublin, Poland


Reducing gender imbalance

This MINDtheGEPs poster presents some of the structural and cultural actions developed in the project. Cristina Solera presented this for the first time at the SPEAR project's final conference in March 2023. The poster highlights some of our recent successes in changing structures, changing cultures, and fixing the system, not the women: From role models for female leadership, representation at the top, support for caregivers, issuing awards for gender-sensitive research, and launching a participatory path to gender equality plan implementation, to open forums, transformative mentoring programme, exhibitions and empowering women in the manufacturing industry.

Solera, Cristina. (2023). Reducing gender imbalance. Zenodo.

The MINDtheGEPs road to best practices for Gender Equality Plans

This poster describes the evidence-based MINDtheGEPs road to best practices for Gender Equality Plans and shares some insights from the qualitative and quantitative gender data collection from 7 European research organisations. MINDtheGEPs coordinator Cristina Solera first shared it at the SPEAR project's final conference in March 2023. The poster shares various MINDtheGEPs evidence, such as findings qualitative and quantitative data collection processes. With highlights from both our survey(s) and interviews, it provides an overview of our journey identifying the push-and-pull factors of gender equality in partner organisations.

Solera, Cristina. (2023). The MINDtheGEPs road to best practices for Gender Equality Plans. Zenodo.


About MINDtheGEPs

Key Areas

Gender Equality Plans



Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this website are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.


MINDtheGEPs (Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101006543.

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